Cranial Osteopathy, a gentle approach to treating the body


Cranial Osteopathy is not a different osteopathy branch, but is a treatment approach within osteopathy which has a very gentle application.

It is a very gentle approach to treating the body and is suitable for all ages. It is very subtle, and passive for the patient receiving it. Sometimes, if you are in tune with your body, you may feel deep relaxation / letting go of tension throughout restricted areas in your body due to physical and sometimes emotional trauma which you are holding.

Most patients report a deep relaxation during and after treatment, and it’s not unusual for some to nod off on the treatment couch!

It’s not much of a spectator sport! If you were to observe a standard osteopathy treatment, you’d see joints and muscles moved, spines manipulated etc, however, if you were to observe a cranial treatment, it looks like nothing is happening on the surface, it’s all going on within.

Ever looked at someone reading a book? Not very interesting for the observer, however, for the reader, it is a different story (pun intended!).

Cranial osteopathy is not just for the head, it can be applied throughout the body, and means that a non invasive painless approach can be used with any patients, young, old and all in between.

Although a subtle treatment approach, many patients respond better after treatment if they have time to rest or sleep, and many patients report improved sleep, and improved energy after treatment.

I love this approach to helping patients as it can be applied to anyone, and on any area in the body.

Do you want to know more about Cranial Osteopathy and try this treatment approach? Book an appointment with one of our practitioners here!

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